Friends of Outer Island
We are citizens from all walks of life with an interest in protecting the environment and serving the public. Visit, donate, or volunteer to be a Friend of Outer Island.
Our Mission is to:
- Preserve the natural resources of Outer Island
- Provide environmental education and wildlife dependent recreation
- Assist with maintenance and improvement of island facilities
Connect with FOI on:
Coming Soon...
2025 Opening Date
Volunteer Training
If you wish to volunteer on Outer Island (veteran or new), you must complete the annual training program required by the United States Fish & Wildlife Service.
Volunteer Training Dates
will be announced soon!
In-person training sessions and on-line training will be offered. Check back for further info.
In the meantime, explore the website and learn about the history of Outer Island and all the activities of FOI and US Fish and Wildlife.
Useful Links
Two volunteers at a time will be stationed on the island and new volunteers will be teamed with an experienced volunteer for their first two assignments